why does my cat lick my armpit

why does my cat lick my armpit

Why Does My Cat Lick My Armpit?


Explore why cats love to lick the armpit area and the meanings behind the behavior.


Cats are known for their independent and curious nature. While our cats might enjoy being affectionate and snuggling up for cuddles, one behavior that has been surprising cat owners is that cats love to lick their owners’ armpits!

Q & A

Q: What does it mean when my cat licks my armpit?

A: Cats might lick their owner’s armpits for a variety of reasons. It could be a sign of affection, a sign of dominance, or simply that the area smells interesting and inviting to them.

Q: Is it safe for my cat to lick my armpit?

A: Generally, it is ok for cats to lick their owners, but it is important to be aware that armpits are a hotspot for potential exposure to bacteria or infection. If you have any concerns, it is best to discuss with your veterinarian.

The Reasons Behind the Behavior

Cats licking armpits can be a sign of their affection or attachment towards their owners. Cats have scent glands on their cheeks, and when they rub their faces against their owners, they are spreading their own scent as well as marking the person as theirs. By licking their owners’ armpits, cats may be trying to further spread their scent in the household as well as mark the person as theirs.

In addition to it being a sign of affection, the armpit area can also be an attractive spot for cats to lick because of its scent. Many people put deodorants and perfumes on their armpits, which can be enticing for cats’ sense of smell.

Tips for Managing the Behavior

1. Redirect the Cat’s Attention

Cats can be easily distracted with activities like wand toys and playing with other cat toys. Redirecting their focus away from licking your armpits to an activity they will enjoy may help to deter them from continuing the behavior.

2. Provide a Scratching Post

Cats like to scratch to maintain their nails and to mark their territory. Providing cats with a scratching post or cardboard box can help to satisfy their instincts and may deter them from licking your armpits.

3. Give them a Snack

Providing cats with a snack can often give them something to focus on and stop them from licking your armpits.


It can be an odd behavior when cats lick their owner’s armpits, but it is usually a sign of affection. While it is ok for cats to lick their owners, it is important to be aware that armpits are a hotspot for potential exposure to bacteria or infection.

If your cat does not stop licking your armpits, there are some simple steps you can take to deter them, such as redirecting their attention, providing a scratching post and giving them a snack.

why does my cat lick my armpit

What are the possible reasons why my cat licks my armpit?

1. Your cat may be expressing affection, as it may find your scent comforting.

2. It may also be looking for your attention and trying to get you to pet it.

3. Your cat may also be grooming you, something cats will do to other animals, most often family members.

4. It may also be a habit your cat has formed, either due to having been reassured when it did it as a kitten or just out of curiosity.

5. Lastly, it is possible your cat is trying to mark you with its scent. Cats use their saliva to mark the area as their own, so if this is the case, licking your armpit could be one of the ways it is doing this.
why does my cat lick my armpit

What other areas does my cat like to lick?

Cats love to lick mostly the same areas, such as their fur, their paws, and the top of their heads. They may also like to lick other areas such as their owners, furniture, walls, and windowsills. Grooming products, such as catnip or catnip shampoo, may also be areas of interest for many cats. Cats are known to be curious creatures, which often leads them to do weird things. One of the strangest behaviors cats can have is licking their owner’s armpits. While it may seem strange, there are a few reasons why cats lick their human’s armpits.

The first reason is that cats often lick their owners in order to show affection. Cats have scent glands in their cheeks that help them mark their territory, so when they lick their owners, it is a sign of love and affection. Additionally, cats may also be trying to get a taste of the salt from their owner’s sweat. Salt is a mineral cats crave and like to lick up, so this could be another reason why cats lick their human’s armpits.

Another possible reason behind this behavior is that cats may be trying to groom their owners. Cats often groom themselves and other cats in their family by licking them. When cats lick their owners’ armpits, they may be attempting to groom them in the same way.

Finally, cats may be licking their owners’ armpits because they are curious. Cats are very curious creatures, and they may be curious as to what the armpit tastes like. Additionally, cats may also be attracted to the smell of sweat or the warmth of the area.

While it may be strange, there are a few reasons why cats lick their owner’s armpits. It could be a sign of affection, the salt from the owner’s sweat, an attempt at grooming, or simply curiosity. Regardless of the reason, it is important to keep an eye on this behavior and make sure it doesn’t become a problem.

Why does my cat lick my face?

Cats lick their owners for many different reasons. It could be a sign of affection and a way of showing love, or it could be a sign of anxiety or stress. Cats may also lick their owners as a way of grooming them or to get attention. Additionally, cats may be drawn to the taste or smell of their owner’s skin, or they may simply be curious. Regardless of the reason, it is important to monitor your cat’s licking behavior and make sure it doesn’t become a problem.

Why does my cat like to lick me?

Cats often lick people as a sign of affection and to show that they trust you. It can also be a sign of submission, as some cats may lick as a way to show respect and to show that they are not a threat. Additionally, cats may lick you as a way to groom you, as cats use their tongues to groom themselves and their owners may be seen as an extension of their family. Cats may also be attracted to the taste or smell of sweat, or they may simply be curious. Regardless of the reason, it is important to monitor your cat’s licking behavior and make sure it doesn’t become a problem.