Why Do Cats Act Weird When You Scratch Their Lower Back?
Why Do Cats Act Weird When You Scratch Their Lower Back ? Cats are mysterious animals indeed. They are a mystery, even to their owners. You could say that they are almost the polar opposite of dogs, which are very friendly and energetic in general. I am not saying that cats are not friendly, it’s just that they are a little more reserved and quiet.
If you are reading this article, you’re definitely a cat owner. This may be random, but we are going to debunk one of the strangest things cats do.
Why do cats act weird when you scratch their lower back?
There’s a high chance you have encountered this weird phenomenon as you are casually petting your cat. As your hands reach your cat’s lower back, they suddenly act weird. It quickly raises its back area. This is strongly evident especially when they are laying down.
So why do cats do it?
You see, cats have lots of nerve endings at the tail base, which means that part is very sensitive and you are basically tickling them. In short, some cats can’t help but do that reaction, it’s like a reflex.
Do all cats react that way?
Not all cats do this weird action when you scratch or pet their backs. Based on the observation and statement of other cat owners, this strange action is highly evident in female cats, especially “experienced” ones or ones who had babies already.
Good news
If your cat does this puzzling action, congratulations! That means they like you. Experts say that this weird cat action is a sign that they see you as their friend and they trust you.
In conclusion, cats exhibit this strange behavior because of the numerous nerve endings at the base of its tail. If you are scratching your cat’s back and they respond with these weird behavior, you should definitely celebrate.
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